MPEG-7 Multimedia Software Resources

Michael Casey

This page contains a list of resources for MPEG7 Audio. Part of the International Standard for multi- media content description. ISO-IEC 15938-4

  • MPEG-7 Overview Document
    An introduction to all of MPEG-7, descriptors, description schemes and some example applications.

  • ISO15938-4 Final Draft International Standard (FDIS) October 2001 (GZIP MS Word)
    Edited by:
    M. Casey (Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs, USA)
    A. De Cheveigne (IRCAM, FR)
    P. Gardner (Cannon Research Lab, UK)
    M. Jackson (U. Wollongong, Australia)
    G. Peeters (IRCAM, France)

  • ISO15938-4 (MPEG-7) Feature Extraction Matlab Source
    The MPEG-7 Audio Reference Software Toolkit. The conformance directory contains examples of extraction for every descriptor from supplied media sources.

  • ISO15938-4 (MPEG-7) Audio Feature Extraction Documentation
    Listing of the HELP files for each of the matlab scripts in the eXperminetal Model (XM).

  • JAVA MPEG7AudioEnc
    Holger Crystandt's great JAVA implementation of Low-Level and some High-Level tools from MPEG-7 Audio.

    A music database with pre-extracted MPEG-7 features resource.

    Part of a tutorial day conducted at DAFX'03 at Queen Mary University of London, Sep. 09-13, 2003.

  • AES110 MPEG-7 Audio Tutorial
    Suite of PPT presentations given at a one-day workshop at the AES convention in Amsterdam in May 2001. Chair: Juergen Herre (Fraunhofer)

  • Mpeg7-2001.xsd

    This document contains main wrapper of MPEG-7 schema

  • audio-2001.xsd
    This document contains Audio tools defined in ISO/IEC 15938-4

  • ddl-2001.xsd
    This document contains tools defined as MPEG-7 specific extention of XML Schema in ISO/IEC 15938-2

  • mds-2001.xsd
    This document contains MDS tools defined in ISO/IEC 15938-5

  • visual-2001.xsd
    This document contains visual tools defined in ISO/IEC 15938-3

  • xml-1998.xsd
    This schema defines attributes and an attribute group suitable for use by schemas wishing to allow xml:lang or xml:space attributes on elements they define. To enable this, such a schema must first declare the XML namespace, and then import this schema for the XML namespace, e.g. as follows: . . . Subsequently, qualified reference to either of the attributes or the group defined below will have the desired effect, e.g. . . . will define a type which will schema-validate a instance element with both xml:space and xml:lang attribute In due course, we should install the relevant ISO 2- and 3-letter codes as the enumerated possible values . . .