% AudioSpectrumBasisType - basis components of a spectrum matrix % computes basis functions and projection coefficients. % % [V,delta]=AudioSpectrumBasis(X, k, DDL_FLAG) % % Inputs: % X - spectrum data matrix ( t x n, t=time points, n=spectral channels) % k - number of components to extract % DDL_FLAG - 1=write XML output. [0] % % Outputs % V - n x k matrix of basis functions % delta - k singular values of V % Copyright, 1997-2002 Michael A. Casey, MIT Media Lab, MERL % All Rights Reserved Technique AudioSpectrumBasisType Document ISO/IEC WD 15938-4 Name Michael Casey EMail mkc@media.mit.edu Type low-level audio descriptor extraction tool External Libraries -- Related Ds/DSs AudioSpectrumProjectionD, SoundModelDS, SoundClassificationModelDS Used Ds/DSs audioSpectrumAttributeGroup Input Wav file Extraction Yes Client Appl NA Summary Extract a set of basis functions from a list of wav files Strong Points --