Technique AudioSpectrumProjectionType Document ISO/IEC WD 15938-4 Name Michael Casey EMail Type low-level audio descriptor extraction tool External Libraries -- Related Ds/DSs AudioSpectrumBasisType, SoundRecognitionModelType Used Ds/DSs -- Input Wav file Extraction Yes Client Appl NA Summary Extract low-dimensional spectral features from wav files Strong Points -- Limitations Processes '.wav' audio files only. Known Problems -- Parameters fileList, cell array list of filename strings of the audio files to process AudioSpectrumBasis -- basis function matrix extracted by AudioSpectrumBasis writeXML : boolean : flag for the generation of the XML file [0] XMLFile (optional) : string : name of the generated XML file [empty] Output AudioSpectrumProjection : 2-D matrix:M*N matrix containing the basis functions - M=number of audio frames - N=number of basis functions XMLFile : string : name of the generated XML file Usage 1. run matlab 2. change the working directory to the directory containing the function 3. call the function 'AudioSpectrumProjection' with the required parameters Function call example : >> [AudioSpectrumProjection, XMLFile] = AudioSpectrumProjection({'test.wav','test2.wav'},AudioSpectrumBasis,'PT10N1000F',1,'ASP.xml')