Technique PercussiveInstrumentTimbreType Document ISO/IEC WD 15938-4 Name Geoffroy Peeters, Patrice Tisserand - Ircam, Paris, France EMail, Type high-level audio descriptor extraction tool External Libraries -- Related Ds/DSs -- Used Ds/DSs -- Input Wav file Extraction Yes Client Appl NA Summary This component extract all PercussiveInstrumentTimbre low-level descriptors: LogAttackTimeType SpectralCentroidType TemporalCentroidType The low-level descriptors are available as -output of the function -or/and written in an .xml file Strong Points This document corresponds to (2002/08/01) The following functions are used PercussiveInstrumentTimbreDS.m, -> h_energy.m, -> LogAttackTimeD.m, -> TempoalCentroid.m, -> SpectralCentroid.m -> h_PITtoXML.m Changes from version 2.1.: -added xml output, -renaming of the files according to w5046, Limitations Only process '.wav' files. The whole audio file is processed Known Problems -- Parameters audioFile : string : name of the audio file to process Output Descriptors values for the audio file: LogAttackTimeType SpectralCentroidType TemporalCentroidType Usage 1. run matlab 2. change the working directory to the directory containing the function 3. call the function 'PercussiveInstrumentTimbreDS' with the required parameters Function call example >> [LogAttackTime, SpectralCentroid, TemporalCentroid] = PercussiveInstrumentTimbreDS('test.wav', 1)