Technique AudioSignalQualityType Document ISO/IEC WD 15938-4 Name Joerg Bitzer, Stefan Kudras, Houpert Digital Audio, Germany EMail Type high-level audio descriptor extraction tool External Libraries -- Related Ds/DSs BackgroundNoiseLevelD BalanceD BandwidthD CrossChannelCorrelationD DCOffsetD RelativeDelayD Used Ds/DSs BackgroundNoiseLevelD BalanceD BandwidthD CrossChannelCorrelationD DCOffsetD RelativeDelayD Input samples of a Wav file Extraction Yes Client Appl NA Summary This component is the AudioSignalQuality descriptor extraction tool Strong Points -- Limitations -- Known Problems -- Parameters auData : 2D matrix : audiostream, N channels in columns fs : number : sample frequency of the signal channels : vector : channels to analyze (if empty all channels are used) GivenName : string : Name of Operator szXMLout (optional) : string : name of output XML-file. if not given no XML-output Output -- Usage 1. run matlab 2. change the working directory to the directory containing the function 3. call the function 'AudioSignalQualityDS' with the required parameters Function call example >> AudioSignalQualityDS(data,44100,[1 2],'Operatorname','AudioSignalQuality.xml');